Tuesday 23 February 2010

Body Detox Tips - Inject Some Creativity Into Your Life

Do something different, swap things around and see how it feels. Get a new perspective.

I get up at the same time
I have the same thing for breakfast
I go into my office
I have lunch
I finish at the same time every day
I go home
I watch TV
I make supper
I go to bed
I get up at the same time . . .

Sounds familiar?

There is no room in there for any creativity. I know what happens and when it happens during my day, so I have no need to think about anything because it just happens that way!

Now, if I was to change everything around - I would need to keep my wits about me in order to get everything done in the same length of time.

Your day of change should be total. Everything you do should be done differently. Choose a day that would have been completely routine and turn it topsy turvy:

Set the alarm earlier or later

Get out of the other side of the bed

Have your shower/bath before breakfast or after breakfast, whichever is not the norm

Wear a completely different outfit. If you normally wear dark colors then choose anything you have that is bright and vice versa. Wear trousers not skirts. Wear ties not bowties. Wear cufflinks. Carry a handbag not a carry-all

If you normally wear make-up then go fresh-faced

If you don't wear aftershave then put some on

Get the bus instead of taking the car, or take the car instead of the train

Buy tea on the way into work rather than coffee

Take the stairs, not the lifts

If you normally have tea then use herbal or make coffee instead

If you normally go to lunch then buy a sandwich to eat at your desk or bring in a packed lunch

If you call your friends in the afternoon then call them in the morning

Leave work later than normal or go earlier

Go a different route home

Eat out if you normally eat in, or cook something that you have never had before or get a friend to cook

Watch TV if you normally read, or read if you usually watch TV

Call your parents today instead of Friday

Do the weekly shop late evening instead of Saturday morning

Have a bath before you go to bed or take a shower

Read a book or talk about the day instead of going straight to sleep

Apply moisturizer if you don't normally, then turn off the light.

Any of the above activities could make you look at your day completely differently. You may want to change things permanently, or you may decide to go back to normal. It's up to you. But, for today, be different, be refreshing and inspiring.

There can a lot more to detoxing your body that simply following the latest detox program. Whether it's a more serious drug detox you're starting or are looking for healthy detox tips, check out HealthyDetoxTips.com to get started the right way.

Body Detox Tips - Create Some Space In Your Head

Starting a detox diet is in ideal time to get other areas of your life in order and under control again. A total body detox need not just be about changing the foods you eat - clearing your head and your life is a very cleansing experience in it's own right.

We all have ghosts or skeletons in our minds. We are full of 'what if, 'I wonder', 'should have' and 'if only.  If we used this time more effectively, doing something about our worries instead of just worrying, then we would clear a lot more space and create a lot more peace in our minds.

Because we believe there is nothing we can do to sort out the situation, we keep going over and over it in our minds and using valuable space that would be better used for something positive and constructive.

When we start a body detox program we can take this opportunity to clean the thoughts away or file them so that they can be used when we choose to use them, rather than springing to mind when we least need them to.

The first step is to note down all the things that:

You truly believe you cannot do anything about but want to, in order to clear them out of your thoughts.

You constantly think about and want to do something about.

Now you can start to make amends and clear your mind. Taking the situations and individuals one at a time, write them a letter. Make sure that you cover every issue that concerns you and make sure that you put in the letter exactly how you feel about the situation. Include anything that has resulted from this situation or incident and any repercussions that have occurred since then. Take every thought that creeps into your mind and put it down on paper.

Whatever you decide to do with these letters (store them, burn them, read them or even send them), you can rest assured that all your unsettled business is now settled. All your thoughts have been faced - they won't have gone away but they have now been managed and you should feel really positive that you have taken some action.

In future make sure you 'sort' your thoughts before they get too disruptive. If you can say what you feel, say it right on the spot so that it doesn't fester. If you don't want to say it then write a letter immediately and send it. The sooner you write, the less you will have to say because you haven't had time to dwell on it and make a mountain out of a molehill. But do think before you write as, once it has been sent, it has been said!