Friday 1 January 2010

Mig Welding, GMAW, Gas Metal Arc Welding

By Peter Smith

Mig welding is a very economical welding process that is more efficient than other weld techniques.

Automated robots are used in manufacturing facilities to perform repetitive mig welding tasks. They are used to manufacture cars, trucks, boats and a whole other range of miscellaneous items. Because it is faster than tig or stick it makes it an ideal candidate for automation.

The technical name is GMAW or Gas Metal Arc Welding.

It is defined as a continuous feed of electrically charged wire into the welding arc. This constant feed of wire allows the electrical connection to heat the metal and create beads of melted wire, which turn into welds when cooled.

It's a preferred technique these days; here are few reasons for that:

1. Very easy to learn how to mig weld.

2. It is the most efficient method as it can get the same job done quicker.

3. Cheaper to operate.

4. To increase productivity and throughput semi automated or fully automated devices can be fitted.

5. A shielding gas can be used in the process to create smoothly finished welds.

If you use a shielding gas you'll use what is called a solid wire, and if you don't need to use a shielding gas you'll use what is called a gasless wire. But if you compare the two welding wires the solid welding wire with the shielding gas will have a much better weld bead appearance.

Mild steel, stainless and aluminum are all easily welded using the mig welding process.

A quick couple of pointers before you go out and buy a machine and they are. You need to work out what size material you plan on welding, because if you get a machine which is too small and doesn't have enough power or duty cycle you're going to run yourself short.

I always like to say to people to buy a machine which is slightly more powerful than what they think are going to need to use right now. This way it sort of future proofs them for later on down the track when they need to tackle larger projects. I know it always happens to me, I go and buy something and then a few months later I say to myself gee I should have bought the bigger or better version.

At the same time you are going to need to get some spare parts to keep it running properly. The most common parts or consumables that you will need to have a constant supple of are item like. Contact tips, tip holders, gas diffusers, nozzles, shrouds, insulators and a spare liner. These are all depending on the model and brand of you mig welding gun. Drive rolls or feed rolls do need replacing as well but they do last a long time, it all depends on how much you are doing and what brand and specification of wire you are running.

It is possible to mig weld stainless steel, aluminum, mild steel, high tensile steel and all other sorts of metals. But the most common welded materials are mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium as using the mig welding process makes it very easy.

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Learning About Mini Bikes For Kids

By Chris Frost

The mini bikes for kids that we used to know are a thing of the past. When we said "mini bike" it described a small frame with go cart type tires and a lawn mower engine, usually 3. 5 hp. These mini bikes were very basic, had no gears and would travel at a maximum speed of 25 or 30 mph. The transmission in these was usually a basic centrifugal clutch.

When we speak of mini bikes today, we conjure up a whole new picture. The mini bikes of today come in many styles and varieties and are powered either with a gas or an electric motor. In this article, we are going to examine the many different types of mini bikes that are available today.

The Super street bikes are just what they sound like. These are commonly a scaled down version of the "crotch rocket" type Japanese street bikes we see flying by us on the freeway everyday. These can be customized and made to go quite fast. This particular variety is very popular with the extreme mini bike enthusiast.

For the kid that wants to be like uncle "Buzz" we have the Chopper mini bikes. These are just like the full size choppers we hear on the road today, only scaled down to kid size. This is the fastest growing segment of the mini bike business today. Your creativity is the limit with the custom features you can purchase to go on these.

A distant cousin of the old fashioned mini bike is the mini dirt bike. They are just what they say. These mini bikes are designed to be ridden on the dirt in areas that are meant for this such as off road parks and tracks. The difference from the old dirt mini bike is that a lot of these look like mini motocross bikes. There are some that come with a retro feel and look like the mini bikes of old, but they have more modern features like good breaks.

If you want or have competitive blood in the family, then the Super pocket rocket is the style of mini bike you want. These are again, scaled down versions of the Japanese crotch rocket type bikes and are built to go fast and they do! The suspensions and frames are built to do nothing but go fast.

There are also the electric versions of all these mini bikes for kids; however these are not nearly as fast or as sturdy as the others.

No matter how small the bike is, you should always be concerned with safety and make sure your child wears a helmet, gloves and other safety gear.

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Windchimes; A Melody Of Relaxing Tones

By Wendy Criswell

Windchimes are often found in gardens or hanging from the eaves of houses. They impart a lovely sound to the atmosphere that can be calming. Some windchimes are tuned to play music while others have random tinkling tones. They are made of many materials and you can find one that will please your senses without any trouble at all.

The use of windchimes goes back to prehistoric times but whether they were used for pleasure or warning of intruders or conveying the strength of the wind is uncertain. Windchimes were found in South East Asia in an archaeological site and date to around 3000 BC. Ancient windchimes were made of bone, bamboo or other woods, stones, and shells. The Egyptians were the first people to make windchimes out of metal as they cast them in bronze.

In Asia they were developed extensively because the Buddhist culture used them as religious paraphernalia. Windchimes were attached to the eaves of pagodas and temples and set off a cacophony of sound when the wind blew. Asian and Mediterranean cultures believed that the windchimes would allow benevolent spirits to be around them in order to protect them while it kept evil spirits away. Many families in China and Japan began putting them on their own homes to attract these spirits. Today it is thought that windchimes will bring good luck.

The ancient Celts used windchimes for a totally different reason. They would set them up in strategic areas in order to fool their enemies. These people were very superstitious and this would cause the enemy to become alarmed and think the area was haunted when they heard that strange clacking or ringing sound.

It seems that windchimes will calm the mind and spirit. Each chime has a tone and resonance that has the ability to heal both the mind and the body of a human being. The chimes bring great awareness and will connect you with your own spirit. The are relaxing and can quell anger bringing a balance to the soul. Feng Shui employs the use of windchimes in order to bring that balance into the home.

Windchimes have a more practical use as farmers of old used them to indicate the weather patterns that would either help or harm their crops. If the chimes were ringing in a certain manner it meant the wind was coming from a specific direction and it would rain that day. They would put several sets of chimes around the farm so they could detect the wind direction. This also gave them the ability to know how strong the wind was blowing. They were also used for another goal. The ringing would frighten away any bird that threatened the crop.

Windchimes are trendy even today and are made from hanging certain materials from string. Some of these materials are metal and shaped like rods or tubes but others are made from simple glass, shells or wood. There are some metal chimes that have a centralized round or disc-like clapper with the chimes all around. The chimes strike the clapper or disk when the wind blows to make sound. There are other types of chimes where the sounding mechanism is lined up and a row and when they bump against each other they make a pleasing noise.

Many people adorn their homes and gardens with windchimes today. They are not there to frighten away pests or nasty spirits and they are not there to forecast the weather. They do make a pretty sound and make the environment more pleasant and tranquil. They were trendy in the past and they are now and can be found in any home or business. Today they are made of a multitude of materials and sold with carved wood, metals, stained glass, shells and other objects that make sound when hung by string and jostled together. They may not attract luck or protective spirits but everyone puts a smile on their face when they hear them.

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Which Web Hosting Plan Is Right For You?

By William Wang

As with anything in life, good planning helps to success. It's no different from web hosting. When you want to start a website, no matter what kind of site it is, you should have a proper web hosting plan in place before you ever go online to ensure that you have all your priorities in order.

That way, once your website is up and running, all you have to do is sit back and collect your revenue because you will have everything planned already.

What Kinds Of Things Should You Consider?

The first thing you need to consider when coming up with your web hosting plan is what kind of website you are going to create. Are you going to sell products or services? Are you going to start a fan site for your favorite band or celebrity? Or are you merely starting a blog website? This is extremely important when it comes to your web hosting plan because you are going to want to know how much traffic you can expect.

Talk To A Professional

The best way to come up with a web hosting plan is to talk to someone who has hosted websites before. If you find a company or service who handles web hosting, often times, they will give you suggestions and will help you design your website according to your specifications. You tell them what kind of website you want to start, what services or information you wish to provide and you can also tell them what kind of style or colors you'd like to use. They will do all the work for you if you find the right company. Ask to see some examples of their work to see if they are truly worthy of helping you with your web hosting plan.

How Much Are You Willing To Spend?

The most important thing you need to consider is how much money you want to spend. Just wait until you are quoted a price you can live with before you commit to any one web hosting service. Price should be a major component in your web hosting plan. There's nothing worse than paying for a service that you're not happy with. Your web hosting plan should be intricate and should be thoroughly planned out so that you can ensure that your website is successful.

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Thriving During The Tough Economic Times

By Jay Polmar

Want to thrive during these tough economic times? We are some of those who are thriving during these seemingly challenging times because we are driven with new business opportunities, increased revenues, things like new book deals, and stronger and healthier relationships that have more intimacy than we ever thought.

Why are we thriving, no matter what is going on in the world around us, while others seem to be challenged? The difference between those who are magnetizing their fair share of abundance to them, and those that are either only getting by or feeling stuck, is the vibration level " the frequency at which their own energy vibrates. When we turn on a higher frequency in our inner worlds, our outer world must mirror that back to us in anything we do!

The body is very much like a radio tower constantly transmitting thoughts and feelings on a specific frequency into the Universe. The thoughts and feelings that you have mentally creates a vibration of energy that you send out throughout the universe. Then its reflected back to you by the Universe, producing results you can see, smell, taste and touch! Its an automatic manifesting machine and you cannot shut it off. It works according to the Law of Attraction and it will never stop working while you are still living and breathing. The only power you truly over it is to choose where to place your focus and your intention in this process " in the HERE AND NOW!

"Every type of focus, intense thought, visualization, emotional imagination, intention, all sets energy into motion. Whether you know it or not, energy is all there is." ~ Dr. Jay Polmar

If your body energy has been living in a heightened state of feeling free, substantial and in love with life as it is, you will attract all sorts of positive outcomes with effortless love in your life, you will attract the people and things you desire into your life.

If your body energy repeats daily feelings of being afraid, not having enough or being (in any way) needy, you will manifest experiences that are very hard. You do not want to focus in this direction, just release this old pattern of thinking and feeling, reprogram your vibration to FEEL alive and positive about everything in life! The key to being able to transform life is very simply to imagine it and walk into the frequency of a super positive way of thinking and feeling " its that easy, and everything will follow that natural path that you are creating.

Yes, you are a supernatural, yet quite natural, magnet, attracting to a anything you always focus on in your life; good or bad " its up to you. Do you know how to shift from negative to positive and, to stay positive. Thats was success with this system brings.

If you are not getting what you want out of life, its time to transform your vibration! You already have all the tools you need to shift your vibration and harness your own powers to manifest " 1) thought 2) vision 3) focus 4) feelings all you need is desire " passionate desire and watch how the Universe is helping you to naturally attract prosperity, better relationships, more opportunities, and everything else you really want.

If you order Dr. Polmars " The Course on Money, you will receive the first 4 monthly supplements on The Millionaire Mindset, and a Copy of the Millionaires Ten Commandments and Money, Power, and Sex to complete your learning from Dr. Jay Polmar, whos earned millions during his life, but dedicated his life to helping others become millionaires.

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